
B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science degree

B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science degree Courses/ Programe

Bachelor’s degree (B. Sc.) is a type of bachelor’s degree that focuses on combining theoretical knowledge with research practice.

Bachelor’s degree is awarded mainly to students in science, technology and engineering, mathematics, computer science and IT. Also, the study period for undergraduate studies in natural sciences is three to four years.

  In some cases, B.S. or B.Sc. degrees can be found in study areas like:

    • Business  
    • Nursing  
    • Medicine  
    • Law  
    • Hospitality  
    • Architecture  

B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science degree


Bachelor of Science (BSc)

BSc IT (Information Technology)


BSc Animation & Multimedia

BSc Computer Science

BCA Bachelors in Computer Applications

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