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Kazakh Russian Medical University is one of the top private colleges in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was formerly known as Kazakhstani Medical University has unlocked its doors in the year 1992. Member of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Dr. Mukhtar Aliyevich founded The University. The Department of Kazakh Russian Medical University
plans the educational procedure. The University is capable of providing medical training at clinical sites to its candidates.
The enrolment at the university will be on a competitive basis. Applicants without citizenship or foreign citizenship are acknowledged. The Rules and regulations of admission at KRMU are developed and accepted by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The educational strategy at the Kazakh Russian Medical University meets the benchmark of education. In addition, new methods of teaching advanced medical were tested in the
KRMU, Republic of Kazakhstan. The medical teaching is guided by more than 200 lecturers in which most of them are reputed and well-known doctors, foreign scientists, and some famous Kazakhstani. The students will also get the opportunity to practice and study abroad with the academic
mobility program. Students will have the option to choose their learning language (Kazakh or Russian). Kazakh Russian Medical University has good relations with the universities in the country and far abroad. Nagasaki University, The Federal center of Heart, Bashkir State Medical University, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Omsk State Medical Academy, and the list goes on. The joint research programs, educational activities, research in Genetics, child and maternal health care are created at the KRMU.
The medical campus provides students with comfortable rooms at modern hostels located
within the medical campus. Students have all conditions for enjoying sport and social
activities such as sports halls, swimming pools, Internet.
University organizes different social and cultural events for international students. The
academy provides a springboard for sporting facilities such as a sports complex, including
a gymnasium, indoor football, badminton, tennis, volleyball, athletic stadiums, etc. The
Faculty’s staff encourages academic, national, and other interests of students. To unite
students from different country students organize National and International associations.
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